This is a very common issue within the web design and development and internet marketing industry. There are currently no set standards, so you never know what you are going to get. When a client works with Glover Consulting Inc. there is standard pricing clearly indicated. They can sit down with one of our web project management specialists and build their website presence from scratch either using one of our customizable templates.
Glover Consulting Inc web project management specialists will walk the client through the process of choosing a domain name, setting up hosting, choosing their website look and feel, configuring the requested functionality, developing their content and implementing the Internet Marketing Strategy.
For the customer that requires a custom application or design created, the clients can work one-on-one with of our web project management specialists and work through the Glover Consulting Inc. standard project scoping process. The customer will then be provided with a detailed proposal including pricing, functionality and timelines. Once the overall design has been finalized, Glover Consulting can also extend that design and brand into traditional marketing material such as business cards and letterhead, tailor a social networking campaign and order promotional materials such as pens and mugs all with the same consistent look.